101,451 books • 153 series
Report of the Secretary of the Treasury on the State of the Finances for the Year 1875
Revised Statutes the United States
Public Accounts of Canada, for the Fiscal Year Ended 30th. June, 1874
The Leipsig Collection of Antiques in Pottery, Glassware, Porcelains, etc. to be Sold at Auctions February 01-03, 1883
Governor's Message and Accompanying Documents Delivered to the Legislature in Joint Convention, Thursday, January 14, 1875
Commemorative Exercises of the First Church of Christ in Hartford, at Its Two Hundred and Fieftieeth Anniversary
Report of the Special Committee of the Common Council of the City of Brooklyn Upon the Celebration of the Opening of the New York and Brooklyn Bridge
Proceedings and Addresses at the Second Family Reunion, at Weymouth, Mass., September 20 and 21, 1882. With Addresses and Exercises at the Dedication of the Bicknell Family Monument
Report for the Year Ended 31st December, 1882; With a List of the Governors and the Rules of the Hospital
Annual Report of the Selectmen and Treasurer and Superintending School Committee of the Town of Durham for Year Ending March 1, 1883
Report of the Committee on Finance of the House of Representatives, 33d General Assembly, in Relation to the Payment by the Illinois Central Railroad Company of Seven per cent. of its Gross Earnings into the Treasury of the State
Mitchell's Geographical Question Book
The Village Flower-Show; and Other Stories
Transactions of the British Homoeopathic Congress, Held at Manchester
My Love, she's but a Lassie
Transactions of the Kentucky State Medical Society
Memoir of Jesse and Hannah Williams
Transactions of the Thirty-First Annual Meeting of the Ohio State Medical Society
Tribute to the Memory of James McNaughton
Giordano or the Conspiracy
Some of the Parables Paralleled in English and French
Grand Transformation Scenes in the United States
The Story of a Summer Day
St. Chrysostom's Picture of his Age