Irresistible y evocador, un tesoro perdido de la autora superventas de Las Siete Hermanas, Lucinda Riley.
No puedes alterar tu destino...
Nacida en un pequeño pueblo de la campiña de Yorkshire, en Inglaterra, Leah Thompson crece para convertirse en una joven de belleza deslumbrante. Y cuando capta la atención de la influyente pero conflictiva familia Delancey sabe que su vida nunca volverá a ser la misma.
Años más tarde, Leah se ha convertido en la supermodelo más cotizada del mundo, con constantes viajes a Milán, Londres y Nueva York rodeada de lujo y glamour. Pero su pasado la persigue como una oscura sombra, misteriosamente entrelazado con la trágica historia de dos hermanos en la Polonia de la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
Mientras dos generaciones de secretos amenazan con estallar, Leah se siente atrapada por una olvidada y terrible profecía de sus pasado. Y deberá desafiar al destino que las estrellas han trazado para ella...
Sweeping and evocative, The Hidden Girl is a lost treasure from the global number one bestselling author Lucinda Riley.
You can’t alter destiny . . .
Born and raised in a small village on the Yorkshire moors, Leah Thompson grows more beautiful with each passing day. When she catches the attention of the influential, troubled Delancey family, she knows her life will never be the same again.
Years later, Leah takes the modelling world by storm, travelling from Milan to London and New York and living life in the lap of luxury. But her past follows her like a dark shadow, mysteriously intertwined with the tragic tale of two young siblings in Poland during the Second World War.
As two generations of secrets threaten to explode, Leah is haunted by a fatal, forgotten prophecy from her past, and must fight to challenge the destiny that has been mapped out for her in the stars . . .
Long before she became the bestselling author of The Seven Sisters series, Lucinda Riley wrote Hidden Beauty as Lucinda Edmonds. This standalone novel has been reworked and given new life as The Hidden Girl by Harry Whittaker, Lucinda’s son and co-author of Atlas: The Story of Pa Salt.
- ISBN10 8401033179
- ISBN13 9788401033179
- Publish Date 21 January 2025
- Publish Status Active
- Publish Country ES
- Imprint Plaza & Janes S.A.
- Format Paperback (US Trade)
- Pages 544
- Language Spanish