Written on May 6, 2024
This book was everything I wanted it to be and more.
I had so many questions at the end of Wedding of the Torn Rose, it was such an epic story and I wanted more, more input, more answers, more throatian action.
Along comes Mendonça with this beaut, fulfilling my thirst for knowledge!
I feel like my view of the entire situation has just been torn to shreds, breathtaking.
This book takes the first story and spins it on its head, giving us a detailed back story/history of the throatian kingdom and culture, the events leading up to, including and after the wedding; all from throatian POV, and then onto what follows from their side of the tracks, revealing some shocking truths about our beloved villainous characters and some huge plot twists I will be reeling over all the way to book 3 release. I absolutely LOVED it.
I devoured this book, I think I enjoyed it more because I was hearing it from the opposing side, having the 'enemy' perspective was very interesting, the characters had time to develop further and I actually felt more akin to some of them this time round.
As last time, the world building just continues to develop and grow beautifully, new aspects being introduced have pulled me further into the story and I really hope that book 3 will have as much attention to detail as 1&2.
The new developments in this story, transpire late book, where we uncover some mystery regarding the Gods. Very exciting.
There isn't too much violence to speak of, although raw animal chomping still a thing. yeck. Weird humans. But everybody has their quirks right, personally I'd rather be struck by their Gods lightning than eat hoppy fresh bunny