The Romantic Comedy Book Club
Written on Sep 3, 2022
It's also my pleasure to say that the highly anticipated "A Very Merry Bromance" is no exception to what magic she can do with a holiday troupe.
I will start by mentioning that reading the previous novels is a must. In some cases with a series, you can just pickup wherever and figure it out but not with the Bromance group. These stories are continuations and to truly know this group, this family, you need to start from the beginning (or at least from A Undercover Bromance where Gretchen is first introduced).
The story picks up at Mack and Liv’s wedding (well the following morning). After an amazing night together, Colton awakens to find Gretchen lying next to him. Life couldn’t be sweeter for our favorite country boy…until Gretchen awakens to find Colton and bolts! A year later, a much desired opportunity causes their paths to cross again and through methods not appreciated by the Bromance, Colton is determined to pick up where the two left off.
What I loved about this book: Words…there are not enough words to describe how much I loved this book! I laughed, I cried, I snorted (yes it is that funny), and I gasped. This…book…has…everything! Knowing Gretchen from previous stories, when Colton tried to convince her to go to Belize the morning after the wedding, I knew he was just doing the same thing Mack did and for someone like Gretchen, it was the fastest way to be left behind. What I didn’t expect AT ALL was Gretchen’s background (cue the gasp). I would have never have guessed who Gretchen really was based on who she is as a person, her values, her friendships, and her cause. Lyssa did a marvelous job with that sly reveal without destroying the image of what Gretchen had become for the reader. I also enjoyed Colton getting a taste of his own medicine (especially after all the grief he had given Noah when it came to Alexis). To get past the cool, confident Colton Wheeler and see who he really was, his uncertainties, his insecurities, it just made you fall in love with this character even more. And the guys! You get those guys together and it is a guaranteed good time! The dialogue/banter between that group alone is the main reason why I read these books. I love these guys! Malcom’s wisdom by itself could be a bestselling self-help book! I also enjoyed the callbacks Adams did through the book to previous setups and conversations. Those were guaranteed smile moments.
What I’m indifferent about but feel I should mention: The one thing I wish I saw more of in this book was Gretchen leaning on the women for support. This was her story as much as Colton’s but I completely understand that would have been counterintuitive to who Gretchen was. She didn’t depend on people, she didn’t lean on people, the idea of a caring, supportive family was so foreign to her that to rely on Liv, Alexis, and Addison in anyway would have felt like betrayal to her identity. We do witness her close relationship with her Uncle Jack but she pushes even him away eventually.
What I’m sad (and hopefully wrong about): In each book, we are introduced to a new character that continues the story. With this one, I felt like we wrapped up everyone’s story which makes me fear that this will be the end of the series. My hope is that we skip a few years into the future and are reintroduced to J.T. He was the only character I felt was involved enough with a main member of the Bromance that he could potentially be brought into the group. That or Lyssa does a prequel and we find out how it all began (we already have an idea of this but it would allow the chance to learn Del and Malcolm’s story.)
One of the last things I will say about a Very Merry Bromance - while Lyssa Kay Adams knows how to write a steamy scene, she also knows how to make them so much fun!! I have never laughed so hard during a hot and heavy scene and didn’t feel like it took away or interrupted the story.
As always, Adams books are a wonderful balance of being whimsical, insightful, and endearing. If this is the end of her journey with the Bromance, it has been one heck of a ride and if not, I can’t wait to see what’s next!