Quirky Cat
Seasonal Fears is the second novel in Seanan McGuire's Alchemical Journeys series, and once again, I find myself transported to a world full of dangers and delights. If you haven't checked out this series yet, I highly recommend you do so right away. McGuire has such a way with words. Seriously, I didn't think it was possible to surpass Middlegame's brilliance, and yet here we are.
There are forces on this earth that most humans do not understand. These forces do not need humans to survive – but once they have been infected with humanity, they are loathe to go back. This is true even of the seasons.
Melanie has always known that she was destined for something particular. Something that she didn't want. She's known her whole life that she is dying, and not even the love of Harry can prevent that from happening. And yet, there is another destiny waiting on the horizon for both of them. All they have to do is fight for it.
Wow. I adored Middlegame, and thus had pretty high expectations for Seasonal Fears. Some would say that my expectations were unfairly high. Yet once again, Seaanan McGuire has created a literary masterpiece.
Seasonal Fears is everything. It's magical and haunting, romantic and terrifying, all in one. I wasn't sure what the following plot in this series would be, but turning to the seasons was a brilliant move. Melanie and Harry were such fascinating characters, even before we learned the full breadth of their story – and what they were about to go through.
I can't get enough of the alchemy in this series. It adds much to the world, raising questions about all the possibilities still left for McGuire to explore. I honestly feel like I will never get enough of this world.
The idea of alchemists using books to make their work more powerful is an irony not lost on me. It's a nice touch and ties in nicely with the spin-off series she wrote (which I adore). Oh! And the appearance of Rodger and Dodger was perfect! Chef's kiss!
To put it simply, I adored Seasonal Fears and everything about it. I will go back and read it all again now because I just can't get enough of it.
Thanks to Tor.com and #NetGalley for making this book available for review. All opinions expressed are my own.
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