Squire is a graphic novel about a young girl named Aiza, who dreams of becoming a knight. Her people are reviled in their country and her only way of becoming a citizen and improving her status is to be recruited as a squire. I loved how this was focused on Aiza as a person looking to better her situation rather than on her being a girl in the military. Women in battle is a totally normal, non-issue in this Middle Eastern inspired fantasy world. I enjoyed going on this journey with Aiza.
I wasn't a huge fan of the art in Squire. It doesn't look bad by any means, and I'm certainly no expert. The muted, earth-toned color palatte does suit the setting and the story, but wasn't very visually interesting to me. I'm also just not a huge fan of this "sketch" style drawing, preferring more bold and rounded lines.
The story in Squire is pretty typical of someone idealizing something then coming to learn the truth and having to face that and figure out whether to comply or fight the system. It's a good story, but felt pretty cliche. The ending is also extremely rushed. Aiza learns the truth and then it speeds through the big confrontation, then just ends. I really want to know what happens to Aiza and her companions next!