Quirky Cat
Elsa Bloodstone: Bequest, written by Cath Lauria, is the latest Marvel Aconyte novel, and since it covers one of my favorite Marvel heroines, I just knew that I had to read it. If you enjoyed the heroine run of novels, make sure to also check out Rogue's new novel, as well as Domino's.
Elsa Bloodstone is a famous monster hunter. More than that, she comes from a family famous for their monster hunting abilities. It's that very family which is about to force her latest adventure on her.
Somebody just tried very hard to steal Elsa's Bloodstone shard, the source of her powers. While they failed to grab hers, they succeeded in getting her sister's Bloodstone shard. A sister that Elsa didn't know about, right up until she arrived at her doorstep begging for help.
“Ready for some bloodshed, boys? They'd be getting their fill of entertainment before long.”
Elsa Bloodstone is one of my favorite Marvel characters, one that I personally consider to be seriously underrated on the whole. Naturally, I was absolutely thrilled to hear about Elsa Bloodstone: Bequest. I couldn't have grabbed this book faster if I tried.
Bequest is a fantastic and approachable introduction to Elsa's character, not to mention the whole convoluted family history. Her monster hunting days are fairly clear in this book, as she gets into (and out of) more than one adventure.
More than that, her personality shines through. Okay, most of her personality could be described as sass and frustration, but I swear that's half the reason I adore her. That and she is a truly impressive combatant.
I knew going into this (thanks to the description) that family drama would be a major part of the story, yet even I was surprised by the level it went to and just how complex it truly got before it was all said and done. It helped to round out Elsa's story.
Truth be told, I was actually pretty sad when this story came to a close. Not because the ending was depressing, but because I had been really enjoying the narrative all the way through. I don't know how likely it is for there to be a sequel, but a girl can hope.
Thanks to Aconyte and #NetGalley for making this book available for review. All opinions expressed are my own.
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