Obviously the fallout from the Blood of the Lost has left the gang changed and the epilogues follow each of the four characters as they adapt to the change that has been wrought and their own insecurities. But it also builds up to the next chapter in the world and the final book in the Elemental series, Destroyer.
I LOVE Pamela. So of course, I LOVED this novel. A whole book from Pamela's view? Who could ask for more? Although this is like the first two epilogues and introduces new characters - it also kind of doesn't. Because if you've read the Elemental series, they're people you'll recognise. Since I have and was curious about Raven and Cassava - I found this interesting and enjoyable to watch the threads come together. There was a little bit of Rylee and Liam but of course, I wished for more. Brilliant though.