I had a really hard time getting invested in the characters, which is sad because they had real potential. The representation, in particular, was great and was probably what carried me through. Lina, starts the book off in love with Thomas and it's her efforts to rescue him that land her as this year's sacrifice to the Dark Tide. And, as the sacrifice, Eva (The Witch Queen) needs to love Lina. And in the midst of anger and frustration and scheming, they start to care for each other. It's devoid of labels - no lesbian, straight, bisexual, etc... just love. And even by the end Lina is still figuring out what she feels and learning herself. I think this part of the book is what kept me interested and why I'm giving this a full 3 stars.
In fact, everything about this book can be summed up as POTENTIAL. The threat of the Dark Tide with the yearly sacrifice had potential. The magic had potential. The relationships had potential. The way music (playing instruments, singing, dance, etc) played a role in this community had potential. There was even potential for abuse within the family. But for me, it never fully delivered and I just wanted more.
All that being said, I do think this is this author's first book. Knowing that, I consider it a good first book and would definitely give her another chance (or two).
The narration by Lori Prince was quite good and fully delivered. I felt like I recognized her but I can't seem to find another book I've read that she's narrated. So either she uses another name or it's a first time for me. I felt like she also saw the potential in this book, particularly in the musical elements, and delivered on that potential. I would listen to her again, for sure.