Truth serum injected…I’ll give it to you straight.
***3.5 Stars***
This review is a wee bit spoilerish so proceed with caution
I nearly gave up on Play Maker. I started this story a little while back. The blurb sounded interesting and that cover certainly caught my attention. Unfortunately, when I started it, I met a couple of hussies and a manwhore who made a name for himself, based on his own transgressions…AND…the transgressions of a teammate who was MARRIED. Now, this teammate looked a little similar to our Play Maker and found it convenient to use this young bloke to cover his infidelities from his wife and two kids. My biggest problem was that the Play Maker DIDN’T MIND and thought it was funny. Now, I can hear all of you saying…”Oh my lordy Sassy, how did you go on?” Well, my lovelies, at first I couldn’t. I put that book down, took it off my currently reading list and moved onto happier and cleaner pastures. Then, I checked out my diary on Saturday and saw that I was supposed to have a review written on Monday. Oh, the dilemma… Do I give up? Do I skim the rest of the book and give a half arse review? -OR- Do I do the right thing and give it another chance? I had stopped at 24% which had sort of given it a fair go, sort of not. Would you believe it, yesterday I opened up my kindle read the next page and it was like I was reading another bloody book. The manwhore showed remorse, the two hussies started to see that one-night-stands weren’t always the best thing, and our two main characters actually stopped bumping uglies long enough to get to know each other. Doh!!
I may have given you a little too much information for an opening, but I know a lot of friends who would or could have been turned off at the beginning of this book. I’m really glad that I went on though.
James is a soccer/football star. The English team he plays for were in America to play an exhibition match kind of like what David Beckham did a few years back. They were there to play hard and also have a little fun. At the beginning, James came across as a bloke who liked his reputation and made sure to live up to it, but soon enough you realise that it’s all getting a little bit old and he’s ready for a change. One of the things he’s sick of his covering for his teammate. He hates that his mum sees him as an oversexed idiot who changes his women daily. Yes, he dates but definitely not as much as he is made out to be doing. James is also questioning how much longer he actually wants to play. All of these questions…and then he meets the sexiest woman he has ever laid eyes on.
Nicole is a bartender and she makes most of her money in tips. The best way to increase tips is to show your assets. Nicole has plenty of assets…and a nifty skill too. Now, the lovely Nicole enjoys bumping uglies but it must follow her rules of only one night and never the whole night. I couldn’t help but think Nicole was a wee bit too slutty. I didn’t like Nicole’s attitude to men who wanted more than one night and her belief that it was OK to lure men in with her looks, use them, then brush them off. We eventually get to know a little bit more about why Nicole is the way she is, her responsibilities and her main priority…her younger brother.
James and Nicole have a lot of chemistry but we don’t really see the connection form between the couple until later in the book. There are a few obstacles they must get past before they can even contemplate having a relationship. The biggest obstacle they must hurdle is they need to be honest with each other. Yep, communication is the key peoples.
I’m sorry if I’ve given too much information in my review, but I know that there will be people who may get turned off by the start of this story. I can confirm that it definitely improved. The characters grew on me and by the end, I loved the seeing this couple together. I enjoyed seeing their friends find happiness too. Another great part was seeing Nicole’s family grow closer, but also learn to have a little independence.
A wee bit of a negative for me was I think the author may have used some English terms while Nicole (who is American) is “talking”. The fact that she also never questioned when James used some obscure English terms also threw me a little.
The sexy times were steamy, the drama played out well even if it was a little predictable and the love story ended up being very sweet in the end.
I managed to turn my opinion around and in the end I finished Play Maker with a smile on my face.
To purchase Play Maker from Amazon - http://amzn.to/1X6wBDx
I’m an Aussie chick who loves to read and review romance, drink coffee, be a Style Setter and stalk David Gandy. To see more of my reviews, fashion, food and pervathons -