Honestly, I dragged my feet starting Gypsy Rising. I didn't want to be let down with the same old same old and left frustrated when I couldn't see the end. Now, the end is near and I'm regretting my impatience. Sure, I want parts of this story to play out and get resolved but I will miss these Pretty Monsters when they're gone. One book to go and things are starting to get really interesting and good again.
Holy Moley...I cried bucket loads in this one. I'm a wee bit of an emotional reader and this one dragged me through the wringer. I was convinced Kristy Cunning wouldn't be able to bring this story to a path where I'd be satisfied. How would she convince me that Idun wasn't controlling the puppet strings over Arion, Damien, Emit and Vance? Well, turns out she was in a very modern kind of way. But, sneaky little Violet decided to do her own controlling and manipulated things to suit her and those she cares deeply about.
Violet has always come across as a bit of a doormat but in some ways that is Violet. The characteristics of her monster bring out those tendencies more. She's also has a big heart and hates to see the vulnerable taken advantage of. Things go a little pear-shaped for Violet but as the story progresses, you realise all of these things need to happen to get to the right ending.
Loved catching up with All The Pretty Monsters and especially loved that a beloved character reappeared in all her quirky, snarky and inappropriate glory. We get a bit of "action" towards the end of the story and it was its usual sexy shenanigans that I've come to enjoy. For a "Reverse Harem," it really isn't OTT or extreme. I never feel uncomfortable, and the possessiveness is more humorous than icky.
Surprisingly, after my slight disappointment with Gypsy Moon, I really enjoyed Gypsy Rising. I can't wait for Book 6 in All The Pretty Monsters series.