Written on Jun 15, 2019
I have the perfect marriage for me but it is FAR FROM PERFECT. For instance, my hubby agrees with me EVERY TIME we have a "discussion". I don't want him to agree with me, I want him to get as angry as I am so I can yell at him. Now, this might seem a little loose cannon..ish but, I'm a 44-year-old woman with HORMONES!! Sometimes I need a good yell. Hubby, unfortunately, is too nice...or maybe...he's just trying to torture me for being a hormonal shrew??? Anyways, my point is that most relationships have bumps. Sometimes these bumps are little stumbles along the journey, others are mountains and the battle to climb it can leave you broken. But a Broken relationship doesn't have to be broken forever.
I really enjoyed reading Broken Miles and I'm quickly becoming a fan of Claire Kingsley and her writing style. Her characters are interesting, the friendship and family relationships are ones that I admire, and the love stories are sexy and believable. I first met the Miles family when I recently read, [b:Everly Dalton's Dating Disasters|45712861|Everly Dalton's Dating Disasters (Dirty Martini Running Club #0.5)|Claire Kingsley|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1557508841s/45712861.jpg|70486014] and instantly connected with lovable Cooper. I couldn't help myself, I had to know more.
This is a story about taking a second chance with love. We meet Roland and Zoe and they are divorced. When I first met them, I didn't particularly like Roland and Zoe seemed a little flakey. I wasn't even convinced that these two should try again, initially. Roland's life choices and priorities seemed whacked and I myself am not a fan of people (in general) who put money over happiness. Zoe seems to be just getting along and not really looking for her happy place. When they meet up again, all of their attraction, connection and shared history make it hard for them to remember they are not each other's "one" anymore.
Even though Zoe has a hook-up buddy and Roland has a girlfriend (if you could call her that), it was obvious that they had unfinished business. Once I got their history and the how's and why's they split, I realised that they needed a second chance. The first time around, they were practically babies. The amount of pressure they put on themselves at such a young age was always going to put a burden on any relationship let alone a couple of 20-year-olds. The one thing you learn as you mature is that communication is the cornerstone of every successful relationship. These kiddywinks missed the memo, unfortunately, and to be honest, they didn't have good role models.
It's going to take more than really good sexy times to fix Roland and Zoe's relationship but their maturity and life experience has taught them what's important. I absolutely loved that Roland realised that his priorities needed to change to keep the love of his life with him. It was also refreshing to see Zoe come to terms with the fact that the end of their relationship was a team effort. He made mistakes and she let him without even telling him why or when it became too much. They both acknowledged and realised that communication is the key.
I really enjoyed meeting the Miles family and I will definitely be back for more. Broken Miles was a fantastic story with lovable characters, humour and plenty of sexy times. If you haven't tried a Claire Kingsley, I can definitely recommend.