This book picks up at the end of tiger at midnight Esha and Kunal are paired up with the Dharkan rebels and the Crescent Blades. What i love most about these characters is how multi layered they are. Esha wants to final the long lost princess and bring peace to this ancient world but she still holds tightly to her need for revenge. Kulan is coming to grips with his new found royal status but also struggles with his underground rebel status.
A majority of this book centers around the plot to find and rescue the long lost princess. Along with this their also this hot burning passion between Esha and Kulan but she also struggles with her feelings for another along with her burning need for revenge. She calls that into question quite a few times along this journey. Does she let that go and embrace what the team is striving for?
With this being the second book their are quite a few very interesting plot twists that i did not see coming. I was along for the ride hook, line and oh my god you got to be kidding me how can this be. This series is interesting and captivating..