I like this book. It was good, fun, entertaining. It's well written and the characters are lively. If you liked the first book, Saint's Cove, you will definitely like this book. I'm quite pleased and am looking forward to reading the author's other books since I'm so happy with this series. This series is a good mystery. Not necessarily the "who's going to die next" suspense, but the "what's going to happen next?" suspense. Like the last book, I really couldn't guess who it was and what was going to happen. I had my suspects, but did not come together the way I thought it would. I'm glad this time around it wasn't all on Emma's should with who's fault it was things went down in Heron's cove. It's nice that this series isn't falling into too predictable format. There are things you expect to happen due to the characters and all but that's about it.
There are only a few things bugging me about the book that I don't get. I don't get why everyone makes such a big deal about Emma being a novice in a nunnery previously and why people just invite (seemingly) random strangers into their place. No one, not even the FBI agents question this hospitality at all? Maybe it's just different where I grew up. I also don't buy into Emma and Colin's fast fallen hard love for each other. Those things just don't seem to happen and it would be nice to get more time with them as a couple to understand what is going on there. I mean how the act together in different situations, normal situations. Get them alone though and it might dissolve into mushy talk and constant sex. I just don't see it as a realistic relationship. Maybe I'm just a cynic. The sex in the book is the classic trope of best sex ever. It would be nice if books treated sex more realistically instead of just pages of cliches.
Those reasons are just for me personally and the reasons why the book is 3 stars instead of 4. They are really nit-pick things, that while they irk my whiskers (so to speak) they don't detract much from the book and the book was still plenty enjoyable. I maybe coming into the books with a different perspective and understanding, but plenty of other people have given this book 4 stars.
I hope in the next book in the series the problem comes just from Colin, instead of Emma or Emma & Colin. It's nice though that the author didn't stick with making it all Emma's fault, as much as it appeared to be. It's be nice to see Emma with the team in Boston more, to see how those people are (we don't even have basic descriptions of them, they are just "the team") and how they interact with Emma and Colin. There's also Fin's brother and his connection with Emma's Grandad that I'm unsure of and would like to explore. I have a feeling there's more beneath Fin and his brother then we are getting. I like Fin and am curious as to how this series to going to go when it's time for Fin to return to Ireland. But that's still several months away in the book's world.