Written on May 9, 2015
King Richard sends Fitz Alan to get Spear of Longinus, it’s believed to have pierced Christ on the cross, because he believes that it will turn the war on his side. But after Saladin hears about this quest he sends men to retrieve it too, so there’s a race against time to get hold of the spear.
The most interesting thing in the book was the protagonist Michael Fitz Alan. He used to be a knight in England but joined the Templars trying to find a life without murder, violence and other base impulses and temptations. There were hints about Fitz Alan’s past association with Richard and I was very curious to know what has happened because it certainly didn’t give good impressions to Fitz Alan about the king.
The book is action packed with lots of battle scenes but I though those were engaging. We get very realistic picture of Templars, Saracens and Crusaders. On all sides there is both good and bad people, genuinely devout and then those who are more political schemers.
While the religious aspect made me skip some parts, prayers and stuff, otherwise the book was gripping and well researched.