Suz @ Bookish Revelations
Written on Jul 18, 2012
Lizzie is a delightfully bright and fun character, written in such a sassy realstic and honest way that makes it easy for readers to connect with. She has this overwhelming thirst for knowledge and a curious brand of wit. She's incredibly stubborn to a fault (which, can prove to work in her favor occassionally) and a bit immature in other area's. Throughout the book, however, she does experience some wonderfully written character growth that will have readers really connecting with and enjoying her character.
Dante, knows how to push her buttons quite well, and he does so pretty much on a regular basis. Still, though, he's this charming, snobby, rich kid who has a bit of a gaurded personality with secrets of his own that she goes digging for. The two of them have this magnetic charm that pulls them together and sparks with intensity and desire. He's incredibly sweet with her and comes to care a great deal for Lizze as the book progresses. Together, these two are so much fun and enjoyable.
Fall For You is probably one of the best Jane Austen re-tellings I've read so far this year. It was filled with compelling intrigue, mystery, and sweet romantic charm that would indulge any readers fantasies. The secrets and twists, were even more suspenseful than I had personally thought it would be, and proved to keep me on the edge of my seat. I would definitely recommend this book highly to anyone who enjoys re-tellings in general.