Mystereity Reviews
Thoroughly enjoyable first in a new series, with a charming location, rich plot and of course, an adorable Doxie. What more can you ask for in a cozy? I loved this from the very first page, I felt like I was right there along with Guinevere as she got off the train heading for Cornisea, I could almost feel Dolly tugging at the leash! The pace was perfect, introducing the characters with just enough detail to make them jump right off the page and setting up the puzzling plot full of twists and turns that kept me glued to the book. I enjoyed watching it all unfold, locked room mysteries are my favorite and I really appreciated Guinevere's thought process in solving it, no sudden AHA! moment for our girl, she sat down and figured it all out rationally. Go LOGIC!
Overall, Death Plays a Part charmed the socks off me and I can't wait for the next book to come out in August. Will Oliver and Guinevere let their sparks fan into a relationship? Will Lord Bolingbrooke ever catalog all of his books? Will the treasure be found? I'm gonna stay tuned for more!