Written on Jun 30, 2020
"Some rebels are made, not born"
I went into this book completely blind. So when it turned out to be about powers I was very surprised, a good surprise though.
Anna feels like she is the disappointment of the family, due to her big sister always being the best at everything. Plus she feels guilty for something that happened to her little brother that has now made him be weaker than most boys his age. Between the guilt, she feels and always being second-best compared to her sister, she ends up making some questionable decisions on a big night for her sister. Choices that while understandable when looking at things from her point of view, but also wrong when looking at them from her family's point of view.
Overall I did find this book enjoyable, and I do want to continue on with the series to see what Anna and her family/friends get up to next. Anna does really act her age, this isn't one of those stories where the young teenager acts like she knows everything or has a real understanding of how things work in her world. Anna really is innocent and still has a lot to learn not only about how her magical world works but the non-magical world as well.
The friendships she makes and the family she learns about were very enjoyable to read as well. Her part in the rebellion did seem a little sudden and not really explained very well at times.
I did have a slight problem with how her family was acting towards her about powers and saying she's a disgrace, etc. I'm not going to lie though this book did remind me at times of the These Vicious Masks trilogy (In a good way), it was very different as well.
I do hope something are explained better in the second book.
Upon re-read I gave the book 4 stars due to the world building and the friendships between main characters.
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