Written on Apr 18, 2018
Ok now, this hero is a world class jerk.
Seriously, I would have DNFed this one already if it wasn't an author that the Twitter hive mind recommends. That's the only thing keeping me reading.
Now this fool actually is carrying on about how her body belongs only to him even though he hasn't seen her in years. Nope. I hope an anvil falls on his head.
So much of this plot would be resolved by an honest conversation between characters. I hate that.
The plot is that they were courting but his family disapproved. He went to the Army and was reported killed. She married. Now years later he is home and she is widowed. He keeps showing up and making snide comments about her being a slut. She slept with you, you dumbass. That seems to be very poor judgement, I grant, but you have no room to talk.
Ew, in the middle of threatening her his interior monologue is all, "Why won't she do what I want? I'm such a nice guy."
This dude is a majorly entitled asshole. He doesn't care who tells him no. He ignores them, jumps to some erroneous conclusion, gets all offended on his own injured behalf, and then does whatever he wants.
In case you can't tell, I've totally moved into hate-reading now.
She couldn't have loved her late husband, he has decided. After all her husband wasn't him. Jerk.
Oh! If she'll just admit she has regrets about her life he'll forgive her. FORGIVE HER! She needs to stab this fool.
Oh bloody hell, he magnamously told her he'd forgive her and is pouty that she's not overjoyed. Kick him!
This man never heard of No Means No. He's trampling all over her refusal of him and when she is finally able to get away from him, he decides she must be hysterical.
He thinks all this asshole behavior isn't wrong. It makes him a man.
Now he broke into her bedroom and he gets it into his head that there's another man there and wants to beat him up.
I never stopped hating him. He didn't get an anvil dropped on his head. I am sad.