Written on Apr 10, 2015
Honestly? I would have liked Bait a heck of a lot more if it wasn’t about deadbeat junkies, who I couldn’t have cared less about. Did I care that what they were going through was barbaric? No, not really. Did I care if they all died? No, not really. It’s hard to care for characters that are junkies. While I understand drugs are an addiction, I also think that it’s an addiction that starts with you. If you just said no to drugs in the first place, you wouldn’t get addicted. Is that simplistic of me? Who knows. All I know is, I wouldn’t touch drugs with a million foot barge pole.
The plot was amazing, don’t get me wrong, but J Kent Messum should maybe have written about characters we might actually care about. I’d have had WAY more sympathy than I did. As it was, I read the book feeling sick and repulsed and horrified, because it was honestly like no book I’ve ever read. It was vulgar, terribly, awfully vulgar. I think there’s a time and a place for language like that and it just didn’t sit right with me.
But somehow it was still a bit addictive. I FINISHED IT AFTER ALL. I’ve got no idea why. But, it was relatively short so it only took a few hours. This is definitely one of the weird category, for sure.