Written on Jun 13, 2019
Never Marry a Marquess drew me in like a familiar friend from the start. Simply reading the first few words brought a smile to my face as I settled in to enjoy it.
What fun to add a marriage of convenience theme to Regina Scott's Fortune's Brides series. I wasn't quite sure how she was going to get Ivy and Kendall together after having seen the possibilities in Never Kneel to a Knight. For some reason this was completely unexpected to me. Of course, having read the description, you probably saw what was going to happen. Me, I simply saw the author and knew I had to read it.
Though a little sad Fortune's Brides has concluded, yet I am so glad to have the mysteries resolved and Miss Thorne happily settled. This has been a wonderful series. If you haven't read the other books, go ahead and start from the beginning with Never Doubt a Duke. While it isn't completely necessary, I'm sure you could figure out what is important as you read this one. They do all build on each other.
Read my full review at at Among the Reads