Baroness Book Trove
Written on Apr 29, 2014
Another good book by Deanna Chase. This is another good book and I actually liked this one better. I mean Talisen and Willow are dating, I believe, don't quote me on that.
I always liked books with faery's in them and this one is no exception. It is quite interesting especially with everything that we learned from the last book. We also find out more about Willow's strange abilities that she got from her deceased twin brother along with the fact that she had a nephew as well.
I actually gave this book five stars because it was a much better book than the first one and that to me always seems to happen and this was once again no exception to that. And yeah it's a good book. I will recommended it to anyone.
If you wanna read more of my reviews please go to my blog: http://baronessbooktrove.blogspot.com/