Written on Jul 1, 2017
Real love is hard to move on from.
Snuggle down peoples, I’m here to talk about love. Love is awesome. I’m happy to say that I feel extremely loved. When I first fell in love with my hubby, it was *lusty love* with a cherry on the top. It felt giddy and exciting and all the things that young love should. As time went on, it started to change. *Lusty love* morphed into *I look for you love*. This is the one that carried on and stayed with me. *I look for you love* is where I can be anywhere at any time and hubby walks in the room and I smile. He may have only stepped out for a minute or we may have been apart for a day, but knowing he’s near puts a smile on my face. The next stage, I like to call *devoted love*. *Devoted love* is a little tricky. See, when you love someone to the extreme, you worry there will come a time that they won’t be around. All it takes is the mention of car accidents, cancer, murder and mayhem for me to worry. How will I go on? Will I be able to move on? Should I move on? Is *devoted love* a good thing when the love of your life is gone?
Over the 20 years of my marriage, my attitude has changed. At one stage, it was – I will only love once and that is enough. Then it was – Should I stop living because my love is no longer around? To be honest, I don’t really know the answer and hopefully, I won’t have to even contemplate for many years. But…what if I was told my husband was dead, but there’s no physical proof? Do I wait? How long should I wait? Is there a certain amount of time I should allow before I accept I’m a widow? After reading Catching Captain Nash I have come to realise there isn’t a timeframe. There isn’t an easy answer. You may even get it wrong, then have to pick up the pieces of your life and try to make a new picture. It’s not going to be an easy puzzle to solve, the picture may even look different than what you expected, but maybe the new picture was the way it was always meant to be.
While Catching Captain Nash was my favourite in the series (I have been known to change my mind with each new instalment), it was also one of the most emotional. Robert has spent 5 years in hell with only one thing keeping him sane…returning to the wife he loves. His return is not at all as he dreamed and what follows is heartbreak, emotional upheaval, lust and connection. Geez, this book was HOT!! Now I know what 5 years without touch and connection looks like and what happens when you finally get it back. It wasn’t an easy journey for Robert and Morwenna but I couldn’t help but think that their love passed the test and grew stronger after facing hell and despair.
I have loved the Dashing Widows series from the very beginning. Each one has been a little trip into the past to give me a fix of something I crave. I am a sucker for big fancy dresses that take an extra pair of hands to get in and out of. I love sitting down to tea. I’m curious about all the rules of deportment and hierarchy. I can’t get enough of gentlemen who appear to rule their world, but secretly make decisions after checking with their wives first. Anna Campbell gives me this fix without fuss. I get two and a bit hours of uninterrupted historical romance heaven. I hope that she doesn’t stop this goodness. Look, I might be happy to move on from the Dashing Widows as long as Ms Campbell promises to give me something similar or different…but the same…ish.
Please Anna Campbell give me more. Pretty please with sugar on the top.
I’m an Aussie chick who loves to read and review romance, drink coffee, be a Style Setter and stalk David Gandy. To see more of my reviews, fashion, food and pervathons -