Written on Jul 23, 2019
And they’re not even bright! They’re dull, lackluster, lifeless stars.
So... you can probably tell, I’m feeling some real angst here. This reallllllly grinds my gears.
I don’t know if I’ve ever even given a 2 star or less review; there’s a first time for everything! I really struggled between 1 & 2 stars here. So 1.5 it is, and I rounded up, on my GR rating, because, well... the original story is by Neil Gaiman after all.
We need half stars, badly!
When I finished reading this I literally was like, what in the fuck did I just read? Surely not the interesting adaptation I was anticipating, I’ll tell you what!
THIS is nothing compared to the original story; totally butchered. So much potential down the freakin’ drain. I HATE giving negative reviews but I... just couldn’t make light of what I feel about this.
[ *I did like the art a bit though. Which is why it received 1 star.
(Yay a little bit of positivity! I’m not a complete monster 😉)
*The other (generously given) .5 star is for the tale being originally penned by Neil Gaiman; though that is pretty inconsequential here, as it was put in the garbage disposal and then taken back out again and slathered back onto the pages... my gosh I am being so harsh, I don’t know that I’ve ever seen this dark side of me, let alone on GR, haha]
Read at your own risk, folks.
I never say that I don’t recommend a book, because everyone has different tastes, & I am a firm believer that every book deserves a chance.
But if there were ever a time I wouldn’t...
*takes deep breath & proceeds to scream into pillow*