Written on Dec 27, 2019
Originally posted on Creative Madness Mama.One child says three stars, the other says four. "A Lion to Guard Us" is one of many books written by Clyde Robert Bulla that graces our shelves. It is a Reader for the Sonlight Level D and BookShark Level 3 Introduction to American History part one. My oldest started reading it aloud so that my younger could enjoy the story as well. It is far below her reading level and while she wanted to know the story, she wasn't enjoying reading it (perhaps because of being forced to read aloud, because what fifth grade child enjoys that?). So, as we have fallen behind where I prefer to be in the schedule I tooo over and read it aloud.
Is a surprisingly adventurous story and a good one for starting to learn about what can happen and has happened to some. I think they all enjoyed it and it gave a glimpse of both the beauty and harshness reality of some parts of London, Bermuda island, and Jamestown. The girls (10 and 8) were exposed to Geography and History. They were able to get a gentle introduction to the harsher reality of life and a collection of thoughts to connect to ocean travel, exploration, and emigration from Europe.
We own a paperback copy of this book as recommended by many booklists and the BookShark/Sonlight core. We had an old hardcover and it is in my box to sell/trade.
This review was originally posted on Creative Madness Mama.