Written on Nov 20, 2014
Holly is home in Noel to help her grandmother while school is out for the holiday. Between working at the local coffee shop and helping to answers letters to Santa, she is quite busy. Brannagh introduces the friends to lover’s troupe when Seattle Shark Derrick Collins brings his favorite ladies shopping in Noel. His favorite ladies happen to be his Mom and grandmother. While they are buying out the fabric store, he steps in for coffee and recognizes the shy girl behind the counter. Holly works the coffee shop at the stadium while in school. Both are shy and drawn to other. It was sweet, and we learn they both have been curious about the other. The tale that unfolds has sweet dates, good will towards men, and all the gooeyness of a Hallmark Channel movie.
Holding Holly was a nice introduction to the author and series for me, and we meet some of the other characters in the series but this held its own as a sweet quick holiday read.This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Book Reviewer