Written on Feb 8, 2016
Originally posted on Creative Madness Mama.
It was actually last week that we read this book but I kept forgetting to sit down and write a review for you! This is a book that I picked up on a whim after a glance at a local used bookstore before it closed. The Ballot Box Battle is a story about Elizabeth Cady Stanton, a long-term supporter of the idea of women's rights, especially the right to vote. Right now we are working on an Elections unit study from Homeschool in the Woods and I dug this out of our bookshelf thinking that it would make a good read aloud to go with the theme, and it was a perfect choice!
In this story a young girl who wants to learn to ride horses and stand up to the local boys including her brother goes to a neighbor, Ms. Stanton for lessons and advice. This was an attractively illustrated book and set our day off just right that we continued on the theme of suffragettes in our elections study. I highly recommend this one for your study on elections and especially women's rights.
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This review was originally posted on Creative Madness Mama.