Written on Mar 9, 2017
Imagine Zoe's surprise when she sees her own picture in an advertisement for FindTheOne.com, some sort of dating site. Zoe then realizes that some of the women pictured have been victims of violent crimes, and this is where we take a turn to the sinister side of things.
I love, love, loved! I Let You Go, so I had expectations for this book. This was a much slower build, but Mackintosh did an amazing job building the characters and ratcheting up the paranoia as she dropped breadcrumbs for me to follow. I will admit, I was distracted by the red herrings, and the last 10% of the book!!!! My head was spinning for all the reveals. I did not see that coming at all. *Applause, applause* I feel, that Mackintosh's background is such an asset in her thrillers. She brings all the crime drama to another level, which definitely adds to the overall reading experience. She also does an impressive job building the mood. I felt the fear, the tension, the frustration. I felt it all, and my heart was definitely pounding out of my chest during the last bit. The ending - left he hairs standing up on the back of my neck.
For me, this was another fantastic thrill courtesy of Ms. Mackintosh, and I am looking forward to reading more of her work.
**Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the review copy