Emma (SCR)
In the first book I noticed some similarities between me and Tess but the more I read about her, the more I realise I'm like her. Any one who knows me will tell you I have this inability to make a decision. What if I make the wrong choice could it affect everything? Tess spends a lot of time trying to make some tough decisions in this book and Amy does tell her off for being a coward. She knows what she really wants but she's just too scared in case it all goes wrong.
At the end of book one Charlie finally got his act together and told Tess wanted to give them a shot in a pretty ineloquent way. Tess had been in love with him for the last ten years but while she was in Hawaii something changed. He's a dependable dimwit. He's the guy that can be your best friend but nothing more. He's the guy your mum want's you to be with because he'll always do the right thing but there's just no spark there.
Nick is back. This boy is everything you want but shouldn't. That Ben and Jerry's you know you shouldn't eat but do anyway. Tess has been trying to get hold of him since she got back from Hawaii. He asked her to call him and does he answer his phone? No of course he doesn't, he's Nick. He is infuriating but he is so god damn hot. The connection between the two of them is electric and you can't help but think some how it needs to work out.
I'm really glad that Amy got a bigger part in this book. It was great to see the dynamics of their relationship. I hope she plays a bigger part in future books. She's a really fun character.
I absolutely loved seeing Kekipi again. He really is such a great gay BFF. I need a Kekipi in my life.
As soon as i finished this book I logged on to twitter and asked Lindsey if she's planning another Tess book because I didn't feel like her story was finished. I felt like it was still only just beginning and there was so much more to tell. I was thrilled when she said yes.
This is a perfect book to read in the sun with a cocktail in the other hand. This should be top of your summer reading pile.