Written on Nov 17, 2017
"I lived a crime free life up to this point, and I still wound up in jail, so I figure the system owes me one."
In the Canary Club, we get to follow two characters bad luck Benny and Maise the mobster's singer daughter.
Benny has just gotten out of jail to discover his little sister is sick, his brother left to care for her, while his mom is pulling doubles at the canning factory to attempt to make ends meet. This means Benny is immediately looking for a job, and after getting in touch with his old friend finds one moving crates.
Maise is the mobster's daughter who is kept under lock and key by her father for her safety and so he can control her. She's a singer in one of his clubs and she believes she will be stuck in this life forever along with her older brother.
Ben and Maise meet after Ben takes one for the team and is injured. From then on they are inseparable and he becomes invaluable to the whole family. With Ben getting more and more responsibility and Maise feeling more and more like a bird in a cage they work together to try and make this life liveable. That is until Ben's family get's threatened and he tries to juggle both the threat and keeping his new mob boss happy.
"Well, that's probably for the best. Because I don't need some nickel fortune teller to know where we're gonna end up. We're here till we die, Mas. No sense dreaming otherwise."
Overall I really did like this story, in fact, if it hadn't of been for the several historical inaccuracies this could have been an almost five start book for me. I couldn't get enough of the Canary Club and was constantly worried about Maise, Ben and Ben's family. I love reading about the 1920's right now and this book was really good. Between the tension of the mob, and the threat of other mobs and the ever-present police I was constantly intrigued. As for the romance between Maise and Ben, it was okay, things seemed a little strange with the way they interacted with each other at times, but it was still enjoyable for the most part. You could tell they really did care for each other and yes things moved quickly but it's the mob! Things always seem to move quickly when gangs are involved. I'm interested to read the prequels and to see if another book will come out in this series.
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