Written on Jun 14, 2016
See reviews first on my blog
Esther is a young woman who is to be married to the Rabi’s son in two months’ time. But that might not happen due to German’s threatening to invade their homeland. When Esther’s father refuses her offer to fight she runs off with her adoptive brother Itkah in search of the Kabbalists who are said to have powers that might be able to help her.
Along this journey Esther stars wondering if she really wants to be, what she is going to ask the Kabbalists to do to her. She also wonders if it can even be done. The more exciting things that happen along the way are the people she runs into and what she also has to end up killing to make it to the Kabbalists village alive.
Once they reach the village and her and Itkah see things that thought were only stories and weren’t actually real. As she gets to know the Kabbalists though and they and these creatures welcome them. They ask them if they can do what needs to be done to Esther to make her be able to fight. When they give the answer though Esther is heartbroken and Amit a Kabbalists comforts her and lets her in on a secret that no one else must know.
When it’s time to leave the village and go back in order to help fight the Germans with the creatures the Kabbalists had made. Esther doesn’t have an easy road ahead of her as the commander of a small army, with the hope to get more volunteers as they go back to her home.
I really loved this story. Esther is an extremely strong character who also has flaws, and is scared of what might happened to everyone she loves. Because of this she seems all the more real, and a likable character. Esther has to make deals, and decision that aren’t left normally to woman to make. But she makes them with good intentions and does pretty well at it in my opinion. Yes she makes a few mistakes along the way and tells things she shouldn’t. But she is truly sorry for the mistakes and feels bad about them. She always is thinking about how to save her homeland and tries to stick as close as possible to laws that she has always been taught to follow. When she has to go not only go up against her father but the Bekas well, she stands her ground and when they try to stop her she finds a way around them, in order to lead her army into battle.
If you like Historical Fiction, mixed in with religion then please read this book, it will not disappoint.
“Appoint her the head of her own army. Let her join you in battle. Let her sweep up any able-bodied sons that remain to our families, highborn as well as low. Daughters to. “
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an e-arc of this book in exchange for my honest review.