Written on May 20, 2020
+A professional bridesmaid is certainly something I had never read about, or even thought about, before! That is Jordan's profession, which is how see meets Abby.
+The Wedding Date vibes, but F/F.
+Admitting to feelings! The tension! And yes, there is cheating. This does not bother me, since I was cheering for them to act on their feelings. But I know this is a big No No for many readers.
-Delta is the worst. She just got dumped, but she is completely slacking in her maid of honor duties and then gets snarky when Jordan offers to take care of everything. Delta is making this situation about her, when this is her BEST FRIEND's big day. Obviously, Abby and Marcus aren't getting married, but that's not the point. Delta is making it seem like Abby is choosing Jordan over her, when Delta is the one who dropped the ball long ago. I was annoyed with her from the very beginning and had absolutely no sympathy for her. She could have at least been grateful to have this huge task taken off of her to-do list, so that she could have more time to mourn her relationship instead of dragging down her best friend with her at a stressful and (suppose to be) joyous time. Then suddenly the night before the wedding, she becomes the world's greatest best friend?