So, I really enjoyed The Roommate and Clara's story was a good intro to these characters. Her's was a fish out of water story. The Intimacy Experiment, however, is a much more mature story. What I mean is Naomi and Ethan are adult that are established in their careers and have overcome different challenges a human can expect to experience by the time you are in your thirties. So, where Clara was uncertain about herself and who she is in the world often asking for permission to take up space. Naomi knows who she is and where she belongs. She takes what belongs to her and does not rely on anyone to give it to her.
ALSO - this book is very Jew-y. I love Jewish representation - especially representation of someone who lives a religious life. There were a few parts of the book that felt authentic and if you are Jewish or a member of a minority group, you can appreciate the author including these scenes (JCC's needing security for instance).
Anyway - I loved this book!