Written on Jan 17, 2017
Razia has finally grown up in Fusion. She doesn't have much of a choice because **SPOILER** she's pregnant. **END OF SPOILER** This makes it so she has to start getting it together and start trusting people. There's a decent chunk of Fusion where Razia gets into a big fight with basically everyone and that's what it takes to get her to finally understand how annoying she's being. It was a big realization for her and I loved it.
Can we also talk about how amazing Sage is in Fusion? Like he really steps up to the plate here. I think it was really nice seeing a male in his position because they're so often in the reverse. He also got much more patient and calm even though his world was also going crazy. Also he is perfect and can do no wrong in my eyes. He's actually the perfect book boyfriend.
All the other characters are great too I swear! Lizbeth was badass as always and Vel was his adorable self. We even got to see more of Razia's older sister (who I also loved, naturally).
Besides the characters, the plot was lots of fun too. There's lots of crazy stuff going on with the pirates as always and Razia is still trying to be the best bounty hunter possible. It's more exciting than what I just made it sound like but I desperately don't want to spoil anything because it's better to find out for yourselves.
This was a wonderful series that I immediately got sucked into and even now that I'm finished I can't let go. It's perfect if you prefer older books but still like younger characters. Fusion is perfect for the sci-fi loving adult who likes complicated romances to spice things up!