Written on Apr 12, 2016
However, being able to remember everything didn't really improve matters. At times I felt like I could give this three stars, but overall it was not something I would recommend (unless you're that friend of mine who has opposite tastes in books than I do, check this one out!). It went on and on and never really felt like it got anywhere. The characters were all just a little too precious and - to use a word I don't, usually - twee. One buys a couch because it's the exact shade of a pecan and then sleeps on it naked for three nights to absorb the color into her skin, or somesuch nonsense.
If you're looking to try Valente, I have to point you towards [b:Radiance|18490533|Radiance|Catherynne M. Valente|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1412283972s/18490533.jpg|26174247] instead, that one was magnificent and much more coherent.