“If the hero hasn’t turned up, you may have to settle for the villain.” “If the villain’s the one who turns up, he is the hero.”
The Good and the Bad:
+ West saves himself from his bad behaviors BEFORE Phoebe...Read more
“If the hero hasn’t turned up, you may have to settle for the villain.” “If the villain’s the one who turns up, he is the hero.”
The Good and the Bad:
+ West saves himself from his bad behaviors BEFORE Phoebe enters the picture, which I loved. Of course, we can't allow him to see it on his own otherwise, god forbid, he'll think he's an okay person and there will be no conflict, but still. So many of these books rely on a woman walking into their lives and suddenly they no longer want to be promiscuous and yada yada.
- WAYYYY too fast. I wished they would have had more time to just talk.
- West's flowery speeches. Urg. I'm sorry, I'm not a fan of how guys suddenly become poets when talking about the girl and how they feel about her. I don't need grand speeches like that in my books, they make me cringe xD I mean, my favorite confession is the one in [b:The King's Men|23594461|The King's Men (All for the Game, #3)|Nora Sakavic|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1417587954l/23594461._SX50_.jpg|43196898], and if you've read that fantastic series and know what I'm talking about, you understand lol
+Gotta stan a smart cookie as your main female character. Phoebe is a good mom, a good friend, a good wife, but non of that comes at the expense of her mind, her autonomy, standing her ground, etc.
+ The clan. At this point, I just really like both families a lot lol