Written on Jun 26, 2018
• Pro: Justifiably angsty and super deep, Essa had a lot on her plate. At 17, she had to be the parent to both her pot-head mother and her little sister, Puck. I admired her devotion to her little sister, as well as resistance to drugs and alcohol as a means of escape.
• Pro: Essa escapes were so much cooler. She utilized Zen Buddhism and wilderness treks to liberate herself, temporarily, from her everyday obligations. I know very little about Buddhism, therefore, all that was really interesting, and it's always great to visit the great outdoors, especially the majestic Rocky Mountains.
• Con: I had some small issues with Puck. I thought she was kind of manipulative, and sort of unfair to Essa, but I gave her a little leeway because of her age.
• Pro: I am a fan of the writing. France did a fantastic job conveying the complex emotions of both Essa and Oliver. She also lured me further into the story with the beauty of the Rocky Mountains and the whimsy of Boulder.
• Pro: He may have been a stoner, but Micah was a solid friend. He had a lot going on at home, but he still was there for Essa each and every time she needed him.
• Pro: Although I didn't think the story actually needed Oliver, I enjoyed the friendship that developed between him and Essa. They were both the caretakers of the family. Although their situations were not identical, they both felt a huge responsibility towards their sister, and I was glad they could connect and share the load a little with each other.
• Pro: The search for Puck was very intense, and I will admit to getting a little emotional a few times.
• Pro: I loved the over-all message of this story. I feel like society as a whole is always thinking about the next move, and we just don't spend enough time being present. Zen and Gone did a good job reminding me how important this is.
Overall: A book, which reminded me to stay in the moment and "be present", while exposing me to Zen Buddhism, survival skills, and the beauty of the Rocky Mountains.
*ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.