Love this series and I loved this book.
AJ- the perennial "good guy" is ready to shed that image and be the guy he really feels the need to be. The guy he really wants to be is quite a dirty bird. Oh yeah.
Brett is the perfect foil to AJ and they bring out the best in each other. You'd think since she has a history of being a "bad girl" she would lead him astray or cause him to do something wildly out of character. She doesn't do that so much as encourage him to be the guy he has been burying for most of his adult life. This book isn't rife with annoying issues and I appreciate that. AJ is living in the shadow of blame that he placed upon himself and Brett just wants to be a better person all round. She also wants to achieve success professionally and make her family proud of her.
Brett and AJ have crazy good chemistry... as in hot as fiyah! Ms. Kennedy is especially talented at creating characters that are so compatible and are so incredibly enjoyable to read about. Not only does she make me enjoy the physical aspects of their relationship, she fills in with the emotion to back it all up.
AJ pulled a cell phone from his back pocket and glanced at the screen. “It’s eleven fifty-eight. Looks like you’re about to turn into a pumpkin. Did you drive here?”
She shook her head. “I’m calling a taxi.”
“Or…” His eyes gleamed recklessly.
Brett’s throat went dry. “Or?”
“Or I could drive you home.”
Big uh-oh.
The awareness that had sizzled between them earlier returned in full force, leaving pinpricks of heat along her bare arms. The air was cool and she’d left her coat inside, but she wasn’t cold. Not by a long shot.
She knew exactly what would happen if she let AJ drive her home. She might have willpower when it came to alcohol, but around this man? With his sandy-blond hair and chiseled features and sparkling green eyes? And that incredible body? And throw in the fact that she hadn’t had sex in six months?
Willpower? Fat chance.
“What do you say, Brett? Do you want a ride?” No missing the way his voice went husky at the word ride.
Oh boy. Oh boy oh boy oh boy.
This was not the AJ Walsh she remembered. Back then he’d come off as a gentleman.
Right now there was nothing gentlemanly about him. His expression was downright smoldering, broad body radiating pure sex appeal. If he took her home, she knew it wouldn’t end with her walking up to her apartment alone.
But she still had to make sure she wasn’t misinterpreting that look on his face.
“What are you really asking me?” she said bluntly.
“I’m asking if I can take you home and screw your brains out.”
Her thighs clenched so hard she almost keeled over.
Okay, well, that certainly left nothing to interpretation.
“Judging by your response, I think you like the sound of that.” There was something smugly male in his voice.
Hers was embarrassingly squeaky and as weak as her attempted ignorance. “What response?”
He flashed a knowing smile. “What, you think I can’t tell when a woman is attracted to me?”
Nope, this was not the AJ she remembered. The golden boy was gone, replaced by a primal creature teeming with raw sexual energy. The electricity in the air was liable to burn her alive.
“Y-you…” She swallowed hard. “You don’t seem like the kind of man who does stuff like this. Sleeping with someone you’ve just met…”
“Why do women always take it upon themselves to decide what kind of man I am?”
“Am I wrong?” she challenged.
After a beat, he gave a sheepish grin. “Fine. I haven’t had a lot of one-night stands. But…” His eyes burned. “I have a feeling not going home with you tonight would be the biggest mistake of my life.”
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This review was originally posted on Straight Shootin' Book Reviews