Written on Jun 4, 2020
Things are getting hot and heavy in the 3rd instalment of this saga!
Amelia is showing us that she's not someone who's going to crawl into a corner and wait to be rescued! NOPE! haha
She's def. going to surprise you - in a very good way.
I loved the comical moments and I loved seeing her handling herself way better than before!
The fighting is extremely good in this book I felt - and Lucius.... wow.... when he get's angry...he...gets...scary!! I LOVE IT!!!
The romance is def. climbing sky high and their love...will..never...die... ;)
I'm on to read book 4!
But I also found out that I really should have started with [b:Afterlife|15750370|Afterlife (Afterlife Saga, #1)|Stephanie Hudson|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1342213511l/15750370._SY75_.jpg|21444075]
[bc:Afterlife|15750370|Afterlife (Afterlife Saga, #1)|Stephanie Hudson|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1342213511l/15750370._SY75_.jpg|21444075]
...and read that whole series before starting this one...ooops? Because Afterlife is *before* Transfusion series - and is the *beginning* aka. Amelia's mum and dad.
BUT alas I started this journey not knowing that - so I might as well continue haha.