Written on Nov 19, 2018
Sort of like: Find Me by Romily Bernard and Trust Me I'm Lying by Mary Elizabeth Summer.
This was interesting. I liked the premise and the close knit relationships with Benson and her dad. It started off really strong. I liked Riley as a character - even though she was more or less a mess. As much as she was supposed to be competent - she never quite was. There were a lot of rookie mistakes. She didn't seem as smart as the author kept telling me she was. The whole thing with Rose irritated me - mainly because it gets mentioned and then takes a whole book to get into it. There's a lot that just sort of falls to the side forgotten and that irritated me a lot. The plot really needs to be reworked for a tighter narrative.
I liked the rest of the characters, although the romance was stupid. I would've preferred Sam as a friend. Or Von as only a friend or no romance. Love triangles annoy me. I would've liked to see more of Stef and more of Hadley - particularly spending time with Riley and building a relationship. But that was more or less fine. There were some funny and witty comments thrown around which made me chuckle. I did enjoy Benson's rules - I just would've liked to see them more closely followed or implemented.
90% or so is three stars - it's good but not great, enjoyable but not riveting. The last 10% was awesome and would easily be 4 stars if we forget everything else. But there's also a tonne of cliffhangers and no sign of a sequel. I didn't see the twists coming. And they were funny. Really funny. And it kind of made up for the rest - so I'm rating 4 stars but keep in mind average is more like 3.5 stars.