Introductions was just strange. Sang is...I don't even know. Her parents don't let her have any kind of freedom. Her dad isn't so bad, but her mom has tried to convince Sang that if she leaves the house alone she'll be kidnapped, raped, murdered, or some combination of the three. The blurb says she's agoraphobic, but I didn't really get that sense, especially when Sang mentions the punishments that she and her sister get for the smallest things. She's definitely abusive, but there's something else going on there.
And speaking of Sang's strict parents, I really didn't believe it. We do see Sang's mom punish her for having a boy call the house for her, so the abuse is not in question. I just have to wonder how someone who is supposedly so strict (no cell phone, no boys calling, no visitors, clean your room, etc) wouldn't notice that Sang is gone all day. She says she can sneak out in the morning, be gone all day, and then come home at night and no one will ask where she's been. Really? Her mother threatens to make her drink bleach the next time a boy calls, and yet she isn't bothered by her being gone for hours at a time, possibly with boys?! I don't think so.
Introductions was just weird, and repetitive, and Sang has no personality whatsoever. The whole thing was Sang going out, falling and/or getting wet, meeting a boy who helps her up, offers her dry clothes, patches up her wounds, and then introduces her to other boys. Lather, rinse, repeat. It's obvious something weird is going on with these boys, and it's semi-revealed at the end, but I'm really not interested in continuing.
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