Written on Feb 15, 2019
In Born to be Bound (which is the first book of many, and you must read them all!) I was introduced to a completely new world of Alphas, Betas and Omegas.
Addison Cain's world is truly something to admire. The plot keeps you on the edge throughout the entire book, you grieve, you cry, you feel anger, desperation, sadness - it's ALL THERE, and in the middle of it when you think to despair - that small tiny slither of hope is always lingering, making you feel like maybe, just maybe - there will be a HEA.
Shepherd (THE Alpha) and Clair (an Omega in hiding) are our main characters, but there are many more important ones. The book follows a red thread and as you continue the series - it all makes more and more sense. This is a talent many authors yern for, and Ms Cain has managed it all.
This book had me up all night reading, I read it front to cover - I could not put it down. One of the best books I have ever read (and that is quite a lot of books) and a well deserved 5* from me.
The book is dark, it's graphic to the extent that if you are new to erotic reading that includes a huge amount of fluids, mankind at it's worst in a post apocalyptic kind of world where dominance and force is an every day thing? You might at first wonder if this book is for you - but I urge you to give it a try, I can almost guarantee even the most avid romance historical harlequin lover will swallow it all up and beg for more.