Written on Jun 12, 2017
However, as the story progresses, it really started to get good, and I found myself quite immersed in the world- even if I didn't fully understand the how or why. Now we shall talk about the things that made me eager to keep reading!
- Time travel... in your backyard! Maybe I want this in my own house, okay? (No maybe, I definitely do. My backyard is just a sad patch of grass, I don't ever get cool people popping into it from other times. Ever.) That is a fun (and unique!) little scenario. And Henry is exactly the kind of traveler you'd want to find.
- Winter was quite a sympathetic character. She was mourning her dad, and kind of mourning her life, really. She was destined to never have a "normal" life as the keeper of the wood. Her mom wishes she could have more, wishes that the wood didn't consume Winter's life. And Winter has some difficulties with her relationship with her mom. While her mom is definitely present (yay!) and definitely cares, she also can't understand what Winter is going through. Winter is also strong, and sometimes stubborn, and I enjoyed her determination.
- The romance was kind of the best. I adored Henry, and I was rooting for them from the start. He was funny, smart, kind, and they had so much amazing banter. I love banter. It was kind of a hate-to-love mixed with a forbidden romance situation, and I adored every slow-burning minute.
- The story was just straight up entertaining and enjoyable. Look, if I am excitedly flipping through the pages, there is no way the book will be anything but a win. And I was in this book, so there you have it.
- Incredible atmosphere made the stakes feel high in the wood. The author did a great job making me feel that the wood was a messed up place, which made the tense moments even more exciting.
Bottom Line: After a bit of a rocky start, I ended up really loving this story, the characters, and the romance! I will be keeping my fingers crossed for a sequel, because I would absolutely read more books set in this world!
*Copy provided for review