Originally posted on www.CreativeMadnessMama.com
*This post has been updated with my new format,
thanks to the Ultimate Book Blogger Plugin, on August 27, 2015.*
Story Locale: Stirling, Scotland in 1894
Originally posted on www.CreativeMadnessMama.com
*This post has been updated with my new format,
thanks to the Ultimate Book Blogger Plugin, on August 27, 2015.*
Story Locale: Stirling, Scotland in 1894
This is a Christmas novella, or short novel from one of my absolute favorite authors Liz Curtis Higgs and if you've followed my reviews for any bit of time, you've probably seen me say before that Liz was my doorway into Christian Historical Fiction and I've never looked back. After reading this story, I only have one complaint, and that is that it's too short, but it's a novella and suppose to be short. It's just I'm so used to the long sagas of Christian Historical Fiction and Romance that Liz is so wonderful at, but whether she is a new to you author or one you love this is a great Christmas read. Maybe read it while you're traveling to see family, or in the quiet evening stillness. Everyone can benefit from reading a story about romance and forgiveness.
*Thanks to Liz for sending me a copy for review.*
This review was originally posted on www.CreativeMadnessMama.com