Drina’s parents had raised her to be an intellectual and to scorn anything that wasn’t based on science and factual evidence. So she struggled with the idea of believing in God and that He cared about her life. Cal was raised in a family that valued family. fun and God, not necessarily in that order. It was his faith that motivated him in his job, well, that plus, well, I’ll let you read the book to figure that one out.
The story was a journey of escape from the men intent on killing Drina and Cal, and a journey of running towards the God who forgives and saves. Though the Christian message was strong and clear, it was clearly a part of the story and did not appear to be forced or contrived, just the way it should be.
I loved the humor behind Cal’s name – the way he looked just like Superman and had the heroic thing down pat. It was a very clever (and subtle) play on Kal-el, which took me a few chapters to pick up on. Very clever!
Make sure to read the author’s note at the end of the story. 🙂
This review first appeared at Be sure to visit for an author interview.
I would like to thank Singing Librarian Book Tours for giving me this item. This gift did not influence my opinion or review.