Written on Jan 19, 2020
The story itself is good - I did feel a bit too much 50 shades though in terms of he is a billionaire, she loves books, he likes books, he buys her books, he buys her gifts, she is into editing/publishing, he runs his own company (nothing new here ofc) - what I am saying is that I did find too many similarities than I liked. And that is coming from someone who did actually enjoy 50 shades. Ofc there is no red room of pain and Marcus is nothing like 'Fifty'. I don't know which book came first, and the trope is nothing new of course.
Despite this, I enjoyed the book but what pulls back the 5 stars is that it ends in a stupid cliffhanger - though! As much as cliffhangers go - this one is very soft but again I can't help compare it to Ana leaving in the elevator at the end of 50 shades...I know I know...stop comparing!!! But you get the gist.
The sex is very good, the story build-up is good. It has fun moments - but it has one thing that I don't particularly like and I just tend to find annoying, which is stubbornness and constant insecurity which makes decision making absolutely stupid. And it just keeps going on through the book really. Granted Emma has history from her childhood which is one of the causes for her particular ways, and as adorable as her insecurities can be in some cases - I did feel like I just wanted her to "get over it" and actually give him a chance...
What saves it on 4* is that I did enjoy the book despite all this and the author has made me really want to find out how it goes. I really am cheering for Marcus (who acted like an ass...what is new) and I WANT her to not give up on him and I WANT him to pursue her.
So even though I do have some issues, the book is well written, it flows well and I found myself laughing many times. They are really good together and I want them to have 10 babies as soon as possible you know? ;)