To be irrevocably in love with a vampire is both fantasy and nightmare woven into a dangerously heightened reality for Bella Swan. Pulled in one direction by her intense passion for Edward Cullen, and in another by her profound connection to werewolf Jacob Black, she has endured a tumultuous year of temptation, loss and strife to reach the ultimate turning point. Her imminent choice to either join the dark but seductive world of immortals or pursue a fully human life has become the thread from which the fate of two tribes hangs.
Now that Bella has made her decision, a startling chain of unprecedented events is about to unfold with potentially devastating and unfathomable consequences. Just when the frayed strands of Bella's life - first discovered in TWILIGHT, then scattered and torn in NEW MOON and ECLIPSE - seem ready to heal and knit together, could they be destroyed. . .forever?
- ISBN10 9705804893
- ISBN13 9789705804892
- Publish Date 1 October 2008 (first published 1 January 1960)
- Publish Status Out of Stock
- Imprint Alfaguara
- Format Paperback (US Trade)
- Pages 829
- Language English

So the 3 major events (in my own opinion) were the Wedding (ofcourse honeymoon included!), Birth of Renesmee and the newborn vampire, the face-off between the Cullens and Volturi. Just this once, I agree with the movie, that they decided to make a part 1 and 2 of this book because it's overwhelming but exciting. I like the ending and the obvious choice of word, "forever" as the last word in the last page of the book.

After the action-packed adventure that was Eclipse, Breaking Dawn is a completely different tone. There is no action, at all. Even the big fight with the Volturi that the Cullens are anxiously awaiting, never comes. They work it out by talking, but I think that works, since no one really wants it to come to violence.
There’s about 200 pages where we leave Bella’s head completely and enter Jacob’s (and the pack by the nature of their connection). It should have been refreshing, but it was really boring. Every chapter was essentially the same: Jacob is in his wolf form on patrol, he phases back to human to visit Bella, Bella is overly excited to see him, something happens to upset Jacob and he takes off. Lather, rinse, repeat. We do get some interesting insight into the mind of the pack, especially Leah. It all felt like filler though as we wait for Bella to finally give birth, which was when things get interesting.
Aside from my one-line scene in Eclipse, Breaking Dawn contains my favorite scene of the series: the birth. The first time I read Breaking Dawn, I had to read that part several times because I just couldn’t believe it! Edward bites the baby out! Literally, he chews his way through Bella’s womb since none of the medical tools are strong enough. It was awesome! It was the only thing that stood out to me the first time I read this, and was probably the only scene I actually remembered.
Oh, there was also Jacob’s imprinting which weirded me out, because it prompted me to come up with this whole crazy, disturbing theory. I explained this theory to my mom as if it was fact, because let’s face it, it probably is. She found it strange too. My theory is that Jacob must have imprinted on the egg within Bella’s ovaries that was destined to become Renesme. What Jacob thought was love for Bella was really a longing for part of her female anatomy. Creepy.
Anyway, Breaking Dawn was pretty awesome the second time around. It’s still quite bizarre in places, but I didn’t hate it this time, so that’s saying something. I’m glad there was a happy ending, but I wasn’t expecting anything but. I just wish it had been less anti-climatic.
Read more of my reviews at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.

I enjoyed Breaking Dawn, don't get me wrong. I felt it was just as readable as the rest of the books, but I also felt it was way too much for one book. 700 pages is just, it's like a mountain. And I found my attention waning for the last 100 pages and I'm not entirely sure exactly what went on with the Volturi. I found myself around page 550 just wanting to be done with it.
Jacob's POV was strange at first, but I got used to it and quite enjoyed it. I've always loved Jacob. It was a satisfying end, really. I liked it. Glad it's over, though. Can't wait to see the rest of the movies (Eclipse and the two Breaking Dawns).


Breaking Dawn is my second favorite in the Twilight series. It's a return to form of sorts. When it comes to Twilight, I don't shy away from the fact I love the series. But loving something and having no issues with it is not the same thing, and books two and three in the series are actually kind of meh when you get down to it.
Breaking Dawn brought back the things I loved most about Twilight, and added its own little spin on things.
The story is divided into three parts: the first is told from Bella's pov as we've come accustomed to. The second is actually told from Jacob's pov which was great for many reasons, and in the third we go back to Bella. But a better Bella.
Because what Breaking Dawn does is redeem Bella. Finally, after two books that made me despair of her, she's back and better than ever. She's active. She makes choices. She fights and protects what's important to her - first by proxy when she's too physically weak to do it, and then by sheer bad-ass-ness.
She is useful. She is important to the story and the action. For once, without her (actively) they won't even win the battle. Her relationship with Edward is still the reason those conflicts exist, but she is finally an active part of the solution.
Then there's Jacob. While I was still majorly pissed by him (and Bella's reaction to him) in the first part of the book, the second gave much needed insight into his head, making him a character I could like again - which hasn't been the case since he became a major one. So we got to see the depth of his feeling, his sadness, his sort-of loneliness, his inert leadership. Clever move, Meyer.
Another clever move was making Jacob so damned funny. Seriously, Jacob in this book has a sense of humor and I LOVE it! And pairing him up with Rosalie, even just as a comedic pair, is brilliant. Every time this unlikely due was together on page, I laughed. It added some levity to a somewhat dire situation, and gave us a new dynamic to observe, and it worked beautifully.
Speaking of Rosalie... She was not one of my favorite characters in the books, in fact she was the only Cullen I disliked, but this book did a fantastic job at endearing her to me.
Now, what Breaking Dawn does that I haven't seen often in YA is moving from those young adult themes into some more mature ones such as marriage and parenthood, which I loved. Even if it had its creepy parts.
I was thrilled that this series found a way to include these, after basically "sealing its own fate" with the seeming sterility of the vampires. I am the type that loves seeing the couples I love live on in children, or think of the possibility of it, and I always get sad when it's impossible. I guess Meyer is the same way.
Now, the THING that truly creeped me out in this novel, and made me pause and be like
is the imprinting. Holy shit that was soooooooooooo creepy. Like, I get it - we needed to "excuse" Jacob. We needed him to get his happy ending (or not, really. I wouldn't have minded Jacob a lonely old man tbh). And Meyer did try to soften the blow by describing imprinting as more an indication of your other half and not necessarily "love" but holy fuck, looking at a one-hour old baby and being like "that's my future wife" is freaky no matter what you say and what you do and JUST NO.
Can you imagine Jake talking to his children?
"Daddy, how did you and mommy meet?"
"Well, you see, that's actually a funny story. I was in love with your Grandma, and your mother had just been born, eating her way out of your grandma's womb. Naturally, I went to kill her. But when I saw her tiny, beautiful, blood-covered, wrinkly fifteen-minutes old face, I fall instantly and irreversibly in love with her."
I do not envy these kids. Also, awkward Thanksgiving dinners ahead.
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Old Version
Breaking Dawn is my second favorite in the Twilight series. For me, it's Twilight back on its feet. Despite being a fan of the series, I had a lot of complaints about the last two books in the series, New Moon and Eclipse. Breaking Dawn, however, has only minor issues with (mostly related to the imprinting part of the story).
Breaking Down was divided into three; first part told from Bella's point of view, as it has been since the first book in the series. The second is told from Jacob's POV, which was great fun to see, and the third is back in Bella's.
Bella in this book is a lot like the Bella I loved in the first book. She's active, not passive. She protects what hers fiercely. She is strong, and meaningful, and without her they actually wouldn't be able to win the fight... contrary to the last three books, in which she was the cause for the fight and needed protection. Her fixation with Jacob still pissed the hell out of me in the first part of the book, though.
We also get to see insights into Jacob as we spent a third of the book in his head. We get to see the degree of his feelings toward Bella, his sadness... We get to see what he really think. I think it was a really nice touch to the book.
One of my favorite parts of the entire series is Jacob and Rosalie's blonde jokes. That's right, you heard right.
To read the full review go to my blog; Drugs Called Books (and trust me, you want to. not to brag, but I included an... interesting... conversation between Jake and his kids in this review)

Unfortunately, I didn't love Breaking Dawn, but I did like it. I felt that the book was too long and was a little bit too detailed in certain areas that it didn't need to be. While I enjoyed the ending, it was very convenient and I wished there was a little more conflict. It would have made the story a little more realistic (as realistic as a paranormal book can be). I absolutely hated the resolution regarding Jacob. I thought he got the short-end of the stick and I wished his HEA could have been better. Overall, this was a very good series.

Bella is a blow up doll full of blood. She’s not a character. She’s not even a caricature. She’s on the level of strawmen.
Her features aren’t even described in the book! Seriously, if don’t believe me look it up. You just know she has brown hair, eye color and she’s “average” looking. Whatever the fuck that means. There’s no point in describing her since she has no personality. She’s been sucked dry and propped up like an abuser does to his victims before she even meets her predator.
I saw where it was going. I called out what would happen and couldn’t fucking believe everyone else was all “OMFG I DIDN’T SEE THAT COMING”. It was terrible writing. The holier than thou don’t have sex was fucking frustrating. (I’m a single mother and so were all of my friends, how they bought into this, I dunno). Edward is a fucking stalker and he’s grooming Bella. Bella was a perfect target for an abuser. My friends didn’t believe me at all about Edward, saying I was just jaded because of my abusive ex. Then Edward flips and becomes lifeless in the 4th book with Bella’s pregnancy. Bella clings to her child’s life in the face of death, nice little anti-abortion tool there.
Dear fucking lord was this book annoying. I wanted to punch every character in the face. I didn't realize how worse it could get. Then the very ending where I’m cheering for the author to do something right and slaughter them all. I wanted them all fucking dead. Even the perfect miracle child. Especially the child. But NOOOOOOOOOOOO the author actually had more shit to pull out of their ass and made it happily fucking ever. They get impossibly saved in a big scene that made no damn sense and its a happily ever after until the end of time. Great.No, seriously, happily fucking ever. No dying, best ever hours for hours sex, perfect child, no money worries, nothing. Horrible, horrible Mormon absentee porn bullshit.
Fuck Twilight. Burn it.
I'm no longer friends with the people who made me read this bullshit.
