Written on Jan 2, 2016
Bloody Valentine was, in fact, three sweet, short reads. We got a story for Oliver, who is long overdue some love and it was very, very nice to meet Freya (who apparently is in the Witches of East End books, so yet ANOTHER de la Cruz series I must read). Then we got a story from Allega, Schuyler's mom, and then the big one for Schuyler and Jack.
I really enjoyed all three reads, in fact, I kind of wished they were longer especially Oliver's and Allegra's because we know so little from either of them, and Oliver is most definitely one of my favourite characters. He's really grown on me these past two books as I try to remember everything that's occurred previously. I can't wait to now get stuck into Lost In Time, and get closer to the finish of what has been a pretty impressive series.