Written on Mar 8, 2016
I even thought about putting this one down multiple times, because of how preachy Megan was being towards Kendall. I got why she was being preachy and all that, but I can't help but feel that she could have done it in a better way. I mean really sometimes showing people what something really is will work much better than just stating your opinion on it over and over again and just being a brat about the situation.
Now I will say that Lelani is my favorite character and she has been through most of the series. Not just because I find her story-line the most interesting, but also because of her personality and how she doesn't just preach to people constantly and expect that to fix the problem. I was so happy with the outcome for her at the end of this story and I can't believe she was actually able to get what she wanted.
Kendall was just as annoying as she was in the first two books in this series for the first half of this book, but once they got on vacation it actually started to seem like she might be growing up and that she is going to face what she got herself into and not just try to fly by the seat of her pants anymore. While yes she still has a lot of growing up to do and she is going to have a rude awakening in a few more months. I think she will be able to handle it especially if she has Lelani's help.
Anna... what to say about Anna, she is finally starting to be more friendly to the girls and fixs some things with her mother, but she is still not my favorite character and I hope some things with her get resolved in the final book.
Megan... boy is she still annoying, and not just because of the preachyness but because she also keeps everyone at arms length and tries to control Kendall. (Yes I know she is trying to help, but most of the time she just upsets Kendall and refuses to reason with her.) I was happy to see that she is chilling out a bit, but I still think she has a bitter more growing to do as well.