Written on Aug 5, 2019
Super Low-Carb Snacks is a new niche cookbook and tutorial collection of recipes specifically for low-carb alternatives to sweet snacks. Due out 6th Aug 2019 from Quarto on their Fair Winds Press imprint, it's 192 pages and available in paperback format.
The mainstream popularity of low carb / paleo eating seems to be here to stay. Research supports the notion of a healthy fat balanced diet lower in processed carbohydrates as a sensible choice in a varied diet. Humans are also built 'grazers' and our eating habits over thousands of years support the idea of several small meals over the course of a day is better for digestion, energy levels, awareness, and cognition than 3 large meals. This book addresses part of that need for snacking (the authors suggest that about 25% of our caloric intake generally comes from snacks according to a study from 2010).
This book includes 100 keto/paleo recipes for snacks including fat bombs, nut butters and more.
The authors make a good case for snacking in the introductory chapter along with a short tutorial for making some of the ingredients required for the following chapters. The introduction and basic ingredients recipes cover roughly 18% of the page content. The following chapters are arranged around the reader's schedule: school & work, at home, on the go, sippable, and safe snacking. There's also a short author bio with some links and an alphabetical index with recipes and ingredients listed by name.
I am very much a visual learner and one of my concerns with several cookbooks I've reviewed recently has been the lack of photography and serving suggestions. I know that photography can increase the cost of a published book significantly but it enhances the end result so much that in my case at least, it's a necessary part of any cookbook which I buy and use. I have no idea if it's a publishing or editing decision, but Quarto has a fantastic track record with their photography for cooking and crafts (gardening, fibre arts, etc) books. This one is no exception. The photography is clear, illustrative, and appealing. Every recipe (including the ones in the 'ingredients' chapters) is photographed in color. Really exceptional quality on the photography and graphics.
Each of the included recipes includes the descriptive name (Spiced Maple and Pecan Butter), a small circular graphic listing of special allergens or concerns (dairy free, egg free, or nut free), an ingredients list given in both American and standard measurements, yields, step by step instructions and nutritional information in a sidebar below the instructions.
This is a really well made recipe book with a bunch of appealing recipes. This would make a good gift for any foodie friends who are interesting in low carb snack foods. I intend to take some of these snacks to my next work function for my colleagues who are diabetic or are following low-carb diets for other reasons.
Five stars.
Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes